Benefits of Using our Wallet

Open Standards
Orbit Edge is built entirely on open standards, such as Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). We pride ourselves on respecting open-source project specifications.

Built on open standards and technologies such as DIDs, VCs, Aries, W3C JSON-LD VCs, AnonCreds and more. Ensures that you won’t face vendor lock-in and will interoperate with global players.

The holders consent to what information they share with the verifying parties. Leverage privacy-preserving data exchanges using compounding, predicates, selective disclosure, restrictions, connectionless and more.
The new way of sharing personal information online.
Connect, Store, Share, Repeat
Stores verifiable data on the private data enclave of the mobile device
Such as driver’s licenses, passports and other government issued IDs
Allows for direct and secure peer-to-peer connections
Enables private messaging functions and binds the verified identity to the wallet.

The new way of sharing personal information online.
Connect, Store, Share, Repeat
Data Minimization
You now have the ability to disclose only necessary claims to a verifier
Hide Credentials Attributes
Sometimes a holder simply wants to show a credential within their wallet to a verifier, who will examine the credential by looking at it.
Compounding Proofs
Combine multiple credentials into a single proof to present to a verifier without revealing any correlatable identifier
You are in control now
Proof Proposals
Initiate the workflow on your mobile wallet rather than waiting on a verifier to send a proof request
Self-attested Data
Create self-attested data attributes and include them in your proposal payload alongside verifiable data.