SSI Orbit Podcast

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Relationships and Identity Systems (with Phil Windley)

Relationships and Identity Systems (with Phil Windley)

 🎧   Listen to this Episode On Spotify 🎧   Listen to this Episode On Apple Podcasts About Podcast Episode Thinking of identity systems as foundations of relationships can help us understand how and when we should be using them. “The architectures of...

Selling Solutions, Not SSI Technology (with Riley Hughes)

Selling Solutions, Not SSI Technology (with Riley Hughes)

 >>  Listen to this Episode On Spotify >>  Listen to this Episode On Apple Podcasts About Podcast Episode Customers need solutions, not SSI technology. We will struggle in fostering adoption if we try to sell SSI technology to end customers. We...

Digital ID: Trapped in Fake News? (with Imraan Bashir)

Digital ID: Trapped in Fake News? (with Imraan Bashir)

 [Mathieu Glaude] Earlier this year, there were manifestations against the vaccine passports and there was this whole rhetoric that people were using saying that the vaccine passports were a tool that the Government was putting in place to control and put...

Governance and Trust (with Scott Perry)

Governance and Trust (with Scott Perry)

>>  Listen to this Episode On Spotify >>  Listen to this Episode On Apple Podcasts About Podcast Episode Trust is a human concept. It’s a perception. Trust is relative to risk - and every human has a different risk tolerance based on contextual elements....

AnonCreds: Anonymous Credentials (with Stephen Curran)

AnonCreds: Anonymous Credentials (with Stephen Curran)

 >>>  Listen to this Episode On Spotify >>>  Listen to this Episode On Apple Podcasts About Podcast Episode Verifiable Credentials are tamper-proof digital data which can be cryptographically verified.  In other terms, these are credentials...

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